AI and Blockchain Technologies to Establish Innovative Smart Working Environments

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[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer]

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, smart working was still a niche paradigm adopted by few software startups, freelancers, and nomad workers. Despite the unfortunate consequences of Covid-19 in the worldwide economy, the mainstream adoption of smart working as a de-facto paradigm in the job market, let many professionals appreciate its benefits, such as the flexibility, as well as the reduced commute and costs, and a more balanced lifestyle.

Even after Covid-19, the revealed potential of smart working will impact many organizations, which will potentially evolve their business towards a hybrid model with a new schedule for professionals that blends physical and smart working.

Sensitrust aims to push Smart Working to the next level by exploiting Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technologies to create a smart working platform where customers and professionals can safely interact and make deals.

The Sensitrust platform will provide new mechanisms to facilitate smart working, and allow the development of products and services by means of the definition of a decentralized team.

The platform will provide innovative safety measures and regulations based on AI and smart contracts to provide a secure and effective environment for the development of complex projects.

Sensitrust will support three main scenarios, namely the possibility to hire professionals from a catalog, the participation to an activity as a professional and the so-called “Call to action”, that is an innovative way to build a decentralized team to implement complex projects.

In all three scenarios, the AI engine will play an important role, since it will improve the efficiency, the effectiveness of the working practices, and the safety of negotiations and transactions in a decentralized environment.


In particular, the AI engine, in addition to the customer and a set of external reviewers, will provide feedback on the quality of the work performed by professionals. After the work is approved, the professional will receive the agreed compensation.

While seeking for job opportunities, the AI engine will suggest the available activities, according to the verified skills of each professional. This “guided” approach aims at improving the success rate since it provides professionals with activities that better match with their true expertise.

Moreover, in the Call to Action, the AI engine will provide significant help in the customization of project campaigns to stimulate the active participation of in-platform professionals interested in the design and development of a product or service.

Finally, all the activities performed in the platform will be regulated by Smart Contracts: agreements, quality and temporal constraints, checkpoints and multiple revisions will be governed, in a decentralized, immutable, and certified manner.

SETS Token

SETS is the Sensitrust token that will be seamlessly integrated into the platform and allow users to access the platform services at a discounted price, such as:

  • Access to more qualified professionals (as a customer)
  • Access to more job opportunities (as professional)
  • Advertising opportunities
  • Advanced platform consultant, based on both AI and human experts
  • Stronger guarantees on products and services
  • Access to in-platform training material
  • Membership Subscriptions (all-inclusive packages)

Once the platform is launched, the token value considered to buy in-platform services will be the market price. Participants to the token sale will benefit from the exclusive advantages, including the early access to the platform functionalities and the free access to premium features during the initial stages of the platform launch.

SETS Tokens can be currently purchased through the official platform website: at an exclusive price of 0.08€ /SETS, through Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Tron, USDT (ERC20) and Bank transfer.

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Author: Press Release ::: Source link

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