10 Most Lucrative Business in Nigeria in 2023

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Looking to start a lucrative business in Nigeria? we have compiled the 10 most profitable business in Nigeria that you can start. Read on let’s explore these business opportunities together.

Nigeria has a vibrant and rapidly growing economy which makes it a ripe place for businesses of all sizes. So, if you are thinking of starting a lucrative business in Nigeria, but do not know the best business ideas or wondering if it is going to scale or not, well the good news is that there are many lucrative businesses in Nigeria you can start to make tons of money. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the most promising sectors, strategies for success, challenges, and real-life success stories that showcase the boundless potential of doing business in Nigeria.

Lucrative business in Nigeria: Key sectors to explore

Nigeria boasts a variety of industries ripe for investment and business growth. Here are some of the most lucrative business in Nigeria — key sectors to consider for growth and profitability. A research by Moniepoint says that SMEs account for 48% to the national GDP

Also Read: How To Start A Profitable Business With Little Capital In Nigeria

1. Agriculture and agribusiness

Nigeria’s fertile land and favorable climate make agriculture a profitable business for any entrepreneur. From crop farming to livestock rearing, crop cultivation, and agro-processing opportunities for agribusiness ventures. 

So, you too can embrace modern farming techniques and explore agro-processing and export options to tap into global markets. Nigeria is a major agricultural producer and agriculture accounts for over 25% of Nigeria’s GDP, making it a cornerstone of the economy.   

The country is the world’s largest producer of cassava, the sixth-largest producer of cocoa, and the seventh-largest producer of peanuts. So, this is a juicy and lucrative business 

Few facts you should know about agriculture as a lucrative business in Nigeria:

  • The agricultural sector employs over 70% of the workforce: This makes it the largest employer in Nigeria.
  • The agricultural sector is a major contributor to the economy: The sector accounts for about 25% of GDP.
  • There is a growing demand for agricultural products: The demand for agricultural products is growing both domestically and internationally.
  • There are opportunities for agribusiness ventures: There are opportunities for agribusiness ventures in crop farming, livestock rearing, agro-processing, and export.
  • Embrace modern farming techniques: To be successful in agriculture, it is important you embrace modern farming techniques. This includes using improved seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation.
  • Explore agro-processing and export options: There are opportunities to process agricultural products and export them to global markets. This can be a way to add value to agricultural products and increase profits.

Examples of sectors of agriculture to explore:

  • Cassava production
  • Snail rearing
  • Poultry farming
  • Rice farming

2. E-commerce and online retail

In the digital age, e-commerce remains one of the best business ideas you can start in Nigeria. It is a solid and lucrative business idea as it allows you to reach a vast audience, capitalize on niche markets, and offer convenience to customers.

According to EcommerceDB, with an expected increase of 14.6% in 2023, the Nigerian eCommerce market contributed to the worldwide growth rate of 9.6% in 2023. Like in Nigeria, global eCommerce sales are expected to increase over the next years.

E-commerce businesses require you that have a unique approach. For example, create a strategy that distinguishes you from the existing ones, conduct a market analysis on them, fill in the gaps in their business, and let your business approach address the pain point of the people.

And just like every other business, you have to create effective digital marketing strategies to maximize profitability, growth, and sustainability.

For example, use Amazon as a case study here as one of the biggest e-commerce in the world. You can find out why customers are still loyal to them. There are existing e-commerce stores in Nigeria but still, the market is too big that these existing stores like Jumia, and Konga are not strong enough to cater to everyone.

Again, EcommerceDB says, there are five markets considered within the Nigerian eCommerce market. Electronics & Media is the largest market and accounts for 41.2% of the Nigerian eCommerce revenue. It is followed by Fashion with 18.9%, Furniture & Appliances with 16.4%, Food & Personal Care with 13.3%, and Toys, Hobby & DIY with the remaining 10.2%.

3. Fashion business

From time immemorial till today, the fashion business never gets cold. The fashion industry is also growing in Nigeria, as more people are becoming interested in fashion and style. You can start a fashion business by designing and selling your clothing line, or by importing and reselling fashion items from other countries. 

Although there are lots of fashion designers, and fashion vendors to compete with, the market is still very big to accommodate new ones especially if you have a unique proposition.

Here are some examples of fashion niches you should consider exploring. They are all lucrative businesses.

Accessories Footwear Beauty Products Clothing
1. Bags Sneakers Skin care products Custom clothing
2. Jewelry Sandals Fragrances Adire clothing
3. Headwear Boots Haircare products Islamic clothing
4. Sunglasses Slides Makeup Traditional clothing
5. Watches Crocs Body Care products Sportswear
6. Belts Heels Online or physical fashion boutique
7. Back-to-school items

4. Real estate development and construction

Urbanization and population growth fuel the demand for real estate. Investing in residential or commercial property development offers steady returns and long-term capital appreciation. You can identify emerging markets and focus on meeting diverse consumer needs.

The demand for both residential and commercial property is growing which makes it a profitable business idea in Nigeria.

To be successful in real estate development, it is important to identify emerging markets. These are areas where there is a growing demand for real estate but where the supply is limited.

There is a diverse range of consumer needs in Nigeria, and it is important to focus on meeting these needs. This includes providing housing that is affordable, and accessible and offers monthly payments or flexible payments. 

5. Technology and startups

The tech ecosystem in Nigeria is thriving, with hubs like Lagos (often referred to as “Africa’s Silicon Valley”) fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Nigeria’s tech-savvy population demands innovative IT solutions. 

So, you can offer services such as software development, club management, web design, digital marketing, and cybersecurity to businesses and individuals. This is hot and lucrative business in Nigeria at the moment and to succeed, try to stay ahead of industry trends to stay competitive in this rapidly evolving sector. 

6. Education and training

With a quest for knowledge, education is an evergreen sector. Establishing schools, vocational training centers or e-learning platforms addresses the growing demand for quality education. You can focus on practical skills and niche specializations to stand out in the market. 

Education is beyond the normal primary, secondary, or tertiary education. Think about digital marketing, cryptocurrency, investment training, and education. There is an opportunity to educate people in these areas and many others.

Many small business owners do not know how to run their businesses online, advertise online or manage their social media platforms. There are lots of Nigerians who will want to learn more about digital marketing. 

So think of this as a big opportunity to start a profitable business and make money. The good thing about this is that you will never run out of customers because as technology advances, even the past students will always reach out for more knowledge and update on the industry trends.

7. Healthcare services

As healthcare becomes a priority, the demand for quality medical services rises. You can invest in medical facilities offering specialized services and adopt healthcare technology for enhanced patient experiences. Providing telemedicine solutions can also improve accessibility and affordability. 

8. Food and beverage business

Nigeria’s rich culinary culture offers a feast of business opportunities. Starting a restaurant, food delivery service, or packaged food production venture caters to the nation’s diverse tastes. Innovate with unique flavors and focus on quality to win over customers. 

9. Renewable energy solutions

Sustainability is gaining traction in Nigeria, making renewable energy a lucrative venture. Establishing solar energy solutions or producing renewable energy products aligns with eco-conscious consumers and government incentives. 

10. Tourism and hospitality

Nigeria’s diverse attractions make tourism and hospitality highly promising sectors. Establish hotels, tour guide services, or eco-tourism ventures to cater to the growing tourist market. Offer authentic experiences to attract both domestic and international visitors. 

11. Waste management and recycling

Addressing environmental concerns, waste management and recycling businesses are gaining momentum. Provide waste collection services or manufacture eco-friendly products to meet sustainable demands while generating profits.

Also Read: Small Business Tips: How to develop growth strategies for Small Businesses

Lucrative business in Nigeria: Strategies for Success

Entering the Nigerian market requires a well-thought-out approach. Consider these strategies:

1. Market research and localization

Conduct thorough market research to understand local preferences, cultural nuances, and consumer behavior. From research, more than 72% of successful businesses in Nigeria credit their success to effective market research.

2. Partnerships and networking

Building strong relationships with local partners, suppliers, and distributors can facilitate smoother operations.

3. Government regulations and incentives

Familiarize yourself with Nigerian business regulations and leverage available incentives for foreign investors.

4. Adaptability and innovation

The Nigerian market is dynamic; be prepared to adapt to changing trends and innovate your products/services.

Profitable business in Nigeria: Success Stories

Let’s dive into some inspiring success stories that highlight the potential of the Nigerian business landscape:

1. My food by Hilda: A culinary triumph

Hilda Bassey turned her passion for cooking into a thriving catering business, capitalizing on Nigeria’s love for diverse cuisine, conducted a cook-a-thon in Lagos and since then her business growth scaled up.

2. GreenEnergy NG: Illuminating a brighter future

GreenEnergy NG revolutionized the energy sector by providing affordable solar solutions to rural communities.

3. FashionHub NG: From threads to riches

FashionHub NG created an online platform connecting local fashion designers with global consumers, boosting Nigeria’s fashion industry.

“Our platform empowered local designers and put Nigerian fashion on the map.” – Sarah Johnson, Founder.

The Road Ahead: Navigating challenges

We have explored the different lucrative business in nigeria but despite its lucrative prospects, doing business in Nigeria isn’t without its challenges. Here are a few hurdles you may encounter:

1. Infrastructure deficits

Inadequate transportation, power supply, and logistics infrastructure can hinder smooth business operations.

2. Corruption and bureaucracy

Navigating bureaucratic hurdles and addressing corruption require careful strategy and ethical business practices.

3. Security concerns

Certain regions may experience security issues that can impact your business activities.

Other Lucartive business in Nigeria

You can also consider trying any of the following businesses, they are booming and have high profit margin.

  • Day care/creche business
  • Zobo/Jucice production
  • Human hair/hair blend business
  • Dry cleaning business

Also Read: 4 Important Metrics To Track For Business Growth In 2023


Nigeria is a land of immense opportunity for those willing to navigate its dynamic lucrative business landscape. The key to success lies in understanding local nuances, leveraging strategic partnerships, and embracing innovation. 

With the right approach and tenacity, your business venture in Nigeria could be the game-changer you’ve been seeking.

Author: Small Business Digest ::: Source link

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