Announcing Bitcoin Magazine’s 21 Days of Data – Bitcoin Magazine

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For the next 21 days leading up to Genesis Day, Bitcoin Magazine will be highlighting different data-related projects built by the community (and rolling out a few of our own!).

Each of these projects are run by a small handful of developers looking to delight, entertain or educate. We’ll be posting each one to our social channels, plus doing a few more in-depth conversations with the developers working on these projects. Also, we’ll update this article every day with the latest project to go check out.

At the end of the 21 days, we’ll have reached the 12th anniversary of the first Bitcoin block being mined. Starting in 2019, Trace Mayer urged Bitcoiners to withdraw their bitcoin in custody with exchanges in order to prove that the exchanges actually held the bitcoin they say they did. He coined the name “Proof of Keys Day” (also represented as [Jan/3➞₿🔑] on social media). Although Mayer isn’t a highly visible personality any longer, the concept has stuck around as a day to rally around the idea of “not your keys, not your coin.”

The Projects

Day #1: is an open-source mempool visualizer and blockchain explorer for Bitcoin. It features real-time updates and live transaction tracking. It’s unique in that it was developed to focus on the ephemeral data from the mempool, where as most explorers surface on-chain data.

Ever thought about contributing to Bitcoin Magazine?

Bitcoin Magazine is currently seeking submissions for articles about Bitcoin’s unforgettable 2020, as well as what’s in store for Bitcoin in 2021. If you have ideas for articles and want to contribute, contact

Flip is an Editor and the Webmaster at Bitcoin Magazine.

You’ll find Flip hidden in the back of the office with the lights off.

Author: Flip ::: Source link

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