Bitcoin On The Go Mobile

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This is an opinion editorial by Anthony Feliciano, a Bitcoin event organizer and Bitcoin Magazine contributor.

A couple of years ago, I had an issue when my power went out at my apartment, and my RaspiBlitz went offline. It was the start of a new project, i.e., “how do I prevent this from happening again?” I won’t go into the technical setup in this article, as I have written an article with in-depth instructions on how you can try this out for yourself.

This is more of a fun lets get #reckless with a Lightning Node article. I mean, if we are going to call ourselves Bitcoiners and not get #reckless with tools, applications, and hardware, then what are we doing? The premise here, I was being sent to California for work. Now, if you run an LN node at home, you experience power outages, internet outages, hardware freeze-ups and anything else you can encounter while maintaining a node — but you are home, so you know how to fix everything and get back to normal with minimum down time. What if you are on the road for an extended period of time and that happens? Hopefully you have someone at home that can fix it for you or at least guide them. If you don’t, are you going to leave your node offline for “x” number of days? I mean I guess that’s being #reckless in a way. What did I do, you ask? Why, I took it on the road with me of course. The term mobile banking has been used for a couple of decades because of the development of protocols, infrastructure, and hardware that make it all possible. So I thought, what if I could show off my Raspiblitz node as mobile banking 2.0?

Author: Anthony Feliciano ::: Source link

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