Bitcoin Pizza Day With Knoxville Bitcoin Network

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Knoxville Bitcoin Network will be hosting a Bitcoin Pizza Day Meetup on March 22, 2022. This idea was brought up in our group chat and the event will serve as a way to pay homage to the legend of Bitcoin Pizza Day.

One meetup group will gather to purchase pizzas using bitcoin and celebrate the day that Bitcoin achieved its first real-world moment of adoption.

Invite for Bitcoin Pizza Day in Knoxville, TN

For those unfamiliar with Bitcoin Pizza Day, this is the day the first Bitcoin transaction was made in exchange for another real world item: pizza. On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz paid someone 10,000 bitcoin to order him two large Papa John’s pizzas. Yes, you read that right, 10,000 bitcoin.

Author: Shane Kotz ::: Source link

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