Brave Browser Table-Topping in User Privacy-Protection –

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One of the essential fundamentals of cryptocurrency is privacy. Many individuals and enterprises look to crypto and blockchain technology to enjoy the freedom that comes with privacy and decentralization. In the world of Web browsers, Brave is at the frontline, protecting users’ privacy rights.

The Need for Privacy

The recent wave of hacks and security breaches suffered by both institutions and individuals in the crypto sector is leading to the increased attention of crypto enthusiasts toward utilizing robust, privacy-oriented web browsers. In normal circumstances, a web browser tracks every search query and mouse click.

Sadly, a web browser isn’t private by default.

Ideally, the platform one uses for crypto activities is primarily responsible for the security and maintenance of the privacy of its users. Still, a secure browser protects its users’ credentials, passwords, and browsing history from malicious entities.

Privacy and security are the two most important qualities when identifying an excellent privacy-focused web browser.

Many privacy-focused web browsers are in the market today, offering a variety of features like in-built VPN, ad remover, tab stacking, and so on. Sometimes it can be challenging to choose the right private web browser to use.

A recent study by Professor Douglas J. Leith at Trinity College at the University of Dublin rated Brave Browser as the best privacy-protecting browser over Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

Brave Browser is seen by many as the best and most advanced privacy-focused web browser. The open-source web browser utilizes a wide range of protective measures and products to ensure its users’ security and privacy.

What Makes Brave Standout?

Created in 2015 by Brendan Eich and Brian Bondy, Brave browser was launched with in-built ad-blocking capabilities and is based on the Chromium web browser.

Brave Shield, a built-in ad and cookie blocker in the Chromium-based browser, stops advertisers from monitoring you. Additionally, you may decide whether you want website script blocking and device recognition.

This in-built ad-blocking feature makes it private and secure. Because Brave Shield blocks ad scripts, the network speed increases, and websites tend to load faster. As a result, you enjoy an optimum user experience on the platform. There is also an in-built VPN if you want to take your privacy to the next level.

Along with specific security and privacy features, Brave has an in-built crypto wallet. You can trade your assets without installing an extension or visiting a website. This feature makes sure that users are not vulnerable to phishing scams.

The Brave Wallet sources all its market data from Coingecko and currently supports many DeFi tokens, NFTs and Web3 dApps. The wallet also integrates APIs with other wallets such as MetaMask, Ledger, and Uniswap. This way, users can transfer funds in real-time to other integrated wallets.

Brave Browser prevents fingerprinting by default. This means you can use the internet without the fear of information theft. Fingerprinting is when advertisers collect data about users’ web browsers and devices, allowing them to target ads based on user preferences and behavior.

Users of the network also enjoy rewards through a reward scheme known as Brave Rewards. With Brave Rewards, users can earn Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) by watching ads.

 In January 2022, Brave announced it had passed 50 million monthly active users, which is still a fraction of Chrome’s 3.3 billion users across desktop and mobile.

Author: Ogwu Osaemezu Emmanuel ::: Source link

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