Cardano developers will take charge of their Oracles in 2021, reveals Hoskinson

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Following news of the partnership with Wolfram Alpha, Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson has revealed that Cardano will be giving developers the freedom to choose and customize their own Oracle solutions soon.

The Oracle Access Layer will offer a rich oracle query experience, according to Hoskinson, and it will allow developers to choose from several sources – Stake Pool Operators (SPOs), a federation of actors, trusted servers, and even third party oracle solutions like Chainlink.

“The goal is to put you, the developer, in charge of your Oracles,” Hoskinson said, adding that developers will have a very easy turnkey way of being able to query what they need and ensure that the information has veracity, availability, and completeness. The project is expected to release in 2021 and reportedly, Cardano been gradually building partners around it.

In fact, a few key partners have already been announced, partners such as SingularityNET earlier this year, followed by the more recent Wolfram announcement. Cardano will announce more partnerships soon, according to Hoskinson.

In order to enable these integrations, Cardano will be building a few interfaces. One of these will be a Common Oracle Query Language (COQL) for smart contracts to be able to communicate with the backends, with which developers can embed code required for Wolfram and Singularity.

Hoskinson went on to say, “Everything looks pretty good,” noting that the components required are not difficult to put together. He concluded,

“We believe in choice here. Our goal is to build interfaces and framework that makes it very easy to plug these things in, and you can create your own oracle solutions.”

Author: Samyuktha Sriram ::: Source link

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