Dreamr Announces Rapid Growth Over First 90 Days, Prepares to Launch Aggressive Marketing Push

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Dreamr (Ticker: DMR on Bittrex Global), an innovative social networking and finance-based ecosystem providing alternatives for hard-to-access funding for entrepreneurs around the globe, has announced significant progress in the first 90 days of its token listing on Bittrex Global.

The Dreamr platform has made major strides since the launch of its Dreamr Platform Token (DMR). To follow is an aggressive marketing campaign expected to dramatically increase the number of active DMR holders on Ethereum and L2 Polygon. Dreamr’s marketing push takes place ahead of the platform’s in-app wallet launch.

As evidence of Dreamr’s growth, the number of app users has increased 200% from 30,000 to over 93,000 in this short time period. The Dreamr app helps users with making new connections, and the platform is launching its cryptocurrency wallet and the ability for creators to mint NFTs, along with a P2P marketplace where users can monetize their art or other skills. Crowdfunding and other DeFi tools are in Dreamr’s roadmap to help people overcome the inevitable financial obstacles many entrepreneurs come across on their path to their business projects and dreams.

Dreamr continues to check milestones off its roadmap and is now positioning itself to initiate major marketing campaigns. These campaigns are designed to let the cryptocurrency community know about all the benefits of being a DMR token holder, as well as to benefit as the financial model of the company is being implemented.

DMR Management team states,

“The Dream Machine Tour was an incredible success, and the organization has found a recipe for success in the Dreamr community coming together to make big dreams a reality with brand spokesperson Charlie Rocket leading the charge on social media. Dreamr’s foundation arm has proven its ability to generate viral content consistently, which has given the Dreamr brand hundreds of millions of impressions to date from the dreams the community has helped make a reality.”


“We’ve experienced explosive growth in our user base, growing over 200% since the start of the tour. It’s now time to focus on how Dreamr’s technology will empower individuals and also create value for those participating in the ecosystem by obtaining and staking DMR in governance or to access premium features the platform. Dreamr is a business with a unique business model that will help change the landscape for entrepreneurs, artists, or anyone chasing a dream.”

Download the Dreamr app and declare your dream today.


Dreamr® (Ticker: DMR Bittrex Global) is an ecosystem of social networking and financial tools designed specifically to make practical the pursuit of our biggest dreams. The Dreamr platform is a positive and powerful space for users to declare their dream and build a supportive community of new, like-minded connections. With web3 integration, the community-based network is thoughtfully designed into an easy-to-use mobile app experience. Founded in July 2015 and operated in stealth until 2019, the Dreamr app officially launched on iOS & Android in September 2020.

Dreamr’s team of technologists, entrepreneurs, and creatives have come together around a mission to make the pursuit of our biggest dreams and aspirations more practical for everyone – already raising nearly $2 million to build upon the vision of a digital ecosystem comprised of mobile networking & decentralized financial tools.

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Author: Ogwu Osaemezu Emmanuel ::: Source link

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