Jamal Murray’s NSFW Instagram ‘Hack’ Came at the Worst Possible Time

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  • Jamal Murray’s Instagram account featured a sexually explicit video over the weekend.
  • That NSFW video appeared to feature Murray and his girlfriend, Harper Hempel.
  • Murray blamed a hacker, which was more a face-saving excuse than anything else.

Either Jamal Murray is an idiot, or he thinks that everyone else is. Those are the only possible options after the Denver Nuggets guard posted a NSFW video to his Instagram on Saturday.

Murray’s IG briefly featured a sex tape with a woman who appeared to be his girlfriend, Harper Hempel.

Source: Twitter

Jamal Murray Picked a Bad Time to Post a Sex Tape on Instagram

Yes, we all know that “Quarantine and Chill” has been trending. What sets Murray apart is that he chose the coronavirus pandemic, of all times, to film a sex tape and share it with his 500,000 Instagram followers.

Didn’t he realize that America is at home, bored out of its mind? That millions of us having nothing better to do than watch celebrity porn and then laugh about it on social media?

No? Well, then Jamal Murray must be even stupider than he thinks the rest of us are. Because no one – and I mean absolutely no one – actually believes his excuse that his account was “hacked.”

Here’s a conspiracy theory to chew on while you self-isolate: Has Jamal Murray contracted something during his quarantine? Because there’s no other way to explain the sudden loss of intelligence and judgment that led the Canadian basketball player to post his self-filmed oral sex video to Instagram.

True, COVID-19 doesn’t normally cause the loss of IQ points, so we can probably discount that. But in Jamal Murray’s case, we can only assume that a mysterious illness affected his brain. It must have disabled his frontal lobe, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and reasoning.

Either that, or the boredom of being in self-isolation just got to the Canadian. And perhaps he’d been plugging back a few beers or smoking a few doobies. After spending some quality time with the girlfriend, he presumably saw no option but to post his newly filmed sex video to Instagram.

Cue hilarity. Needless to say, his followers were more than a little surprised by what they saw.

Source: Twitter

And given that Murray’s NSFW Instagram “hack” came when at least 85 million Americans are under lockdown, it’s no surprise that he and his video went really, really viral. Like the coronavirus.

No One Believes It Was A Hacker

It’s equally unsurprising that Jamal Murray did what every celebrity does after a social media humiliation. He “apologized.”

Murray claimed that some very enterprising hacker accessed his smartphone, stole the sex video, and then posted it to his Instagram.

Source: Twitter

Of course, by “hacked,” Murray really means “accessed and used by me – probably while stoned — to post a sex video.”

Not that anyone is buying Murray’s excuses.

Source: Twitter

Of course, Murray doesn’t intend for anyone to really believe his story. His narrative is simply a face-saving device. It’s merely a way for him to return to “normal” with a minimum amount of shame and humiliation.

But sadly, with the coronavirus still taking America by storm, it will be a while before Murray can set sneaker on court again and wipe away the memory of his self-inflicted disgrace.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.

Author: Simon Chandler ::: Source link

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