Smart Ways To Reduce Your Business Expenses in Nigeria (2023)

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As a business owner, one of your ultimate goals is to reduce your business expenses and unnecessary costs while maintaining the high quality of your services or products. However, it can be challenging, particularly in Nigeria, where the cost of doing business is relatively high. 

But then, as a business owner in Nigeria, you need to find ways to reduce your expenses to remain competitive and profitable because every penny in a business counts, and the smallest amount of money you save your business, either by increasing your revenue or reducing, has a significant impact on the growth of your business.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how you can reduce your business expenses and keep your business running smoothly. Let’s explore the various ways together.

1. Invest in technology

Investing in technology is a sure way to keep your business innovative, efficient, and faster while cutting business expenses. No matter what kind of business you do, there is always modern technology to help you manage your business expenses.

There are some works that you would ordinarily employ someone to do, but with the help of technology, you can either handle that yourself or automate it. 

One way to reduce expenses using technology is by using cloud-based software. Cloud-based software allows you to store and access your data remotely, eliminating the need for expensive hardware and IT staff.

Since we are discussing how to reduce your business expenses, we advise you to start with free technology rather than paid ones. 

Example of free cloud-based technology every business owner should use:

1. Google suites: For all your writing, presentations, and calculations

2. Canva: Use this for creating designs and content

3. Invoice software: Use an online invoicing software to create and send professional invoices to all your customers.

4. Social media platforms: they help you to connect with your customers faster, for example, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

5. Hootsuite: For all your content schedule

6. Trello: You can also use this tool to plan and manage your business activities.

Also Read: Best Online Invoicing Software For Businesses In Nigeria.

2. Cut off every unnecessary expense

Another thing you can do to reduce your business expenses is to evaluate your current expenses, know where you are spending the most, and eliminate every unwanted wasteful or unnecessary cost or expense. 

Then, do an honest check and balance of your business, list any business activities you think are not essential for your business, and take them away.

For example, you can do more market research to find a cheaper supplier of your products. Then, if the products you sell are too expensive, look for a similar brand that offers a lower price and has the same quality. 

3. Negotiate better prices

Negotiating the costs of your items with your suppliers or vendors is another way to reduce business expenses. When you negotiate with the suppliers, it helps you to save more money that you can use for other parts of your business. 

So, you must stay current with the market prices to know when to ask for price reductions from your suppliers.

Sometimes, you don’t have to wait for the market price to reduce before you ask for a price reduction; you can offer them something in return for the reduction. For example, you can offer to advertise their products to them or on your platform.

Also Read: Pricing Strategy: How To Price Your Product The Right Way.

4. Hiring freelancers or outsourcing non-core functions

Hiring freelancers or outsourcing non-core functions such as accounting, payroll, and HR can save you money. In addition, outsourcing allows you to benefit from the expertise of professionals without the need to hire full-time staff. 

When you are unsure how to go about this, you can reach out to outsourcing companies to see which will fit your business need. Many firms can help you reduce your business expenses in Nigeria, and there are many platforms where you can hire freelancers, such as LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr, etc.

Hiring freelancers or outsourcing can be helpful for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that need more resources to hire in-house staff. Additionally, outsourcing can help businesses avoid expensive employee benefits and overhead costs.

5. Reduce your utility bill

Consider implementing cost-saving measures such as energy-efficient lighting and using recycled office supplies. This is important to help you reduce your business energy consumption and ensure you don’t leave your lights on or appliances with heavy energy consumption when not in use. 

For example, there are devices such as air conditioners or refrigerators that are built to save energy. So look out for such a feature when you are getting one.

And also, allow some of your workers to work remotely if they can do their jobs from their homes.

Also Read: 8 Best Small Business Apps For Planning And Accounting


Any business that wants to stay profitable and competitive must reduce costs. Implementing the  5 strategies mentioned above- evaluating your current expenses, using technology, negotiating with suppliers, hiring freelancers, and reducing utility bills – can help significantly reduce your business expenses in Nigeria.

Also, when you must have reduced your business expense, it allows you to use saved resources to invest in growth opportunities, increase profitability, and ensure long-term success.

Author: Small Business Digest ::: Source link

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