The Central African Republic Actually Adopted Bitcoin. What Else Do We Know?

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Incredible. As it turns out, the Central African Republic is the second country in the world to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. An official press release from the presidentโ€™s chief of staff, Obed Namsio, confirms the news. The document surfaced on the countryโ€™s Facebook page, and, among other things, says that the bill was approved by a unanimous decision. โ€œBitcoin adoption as legal tender represents an important step towards openness and new oportunitties for our country.โ€

Apparently, the bill was signed into law yesterday, April 27th. The text of the actual law is not available yet. The press release also says that the Central African Republic โ€œis the first country in Africa to adopt bitcoin as legal tender,โ€ and the move put it โ€œon the map of the worldโ€™s boldest and most visionary countries.โ€ Later on, it says that the move โ€œrepresents the fact of accepting cryptocurrencies as a mean of paymentโ€ and that the CAR will โ€œadopt the law project concerning cryptocurrency adoption.โ€

So, multiple cryptocurrencies are in play. Something that could turn out to be disastrous. Especially considering the steep fines and jail time that the law is supposed to entertain. In Bitcoinistโ€™s first report on the matter, we quoted a still unconfirmed article of the law that supposedly says:

โ€œAny economic agent is required to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment when offered for the purchase or sale of a good or service. And all offenders to the provisions of this law will be possible a prison sentence of 20 years, together with a fine of between 100,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 CFA francs.โ€

Related Reading | Why This Executive Predicted Bitcoin Will Be Legal Tender In 5 Countries By 2022

Letโ€™s explore what mainstream media uncovered about the Central African Republicโ€™s bitcoin adoption.

The President Speaks Up

The most important thing that happened today regarding this story is that President Faustin-Archange Touadรฉra tweeted โ€œMathematics is the language of the Universe. Bitcoin is universal money.โ€ That phrase alone is evidence that the man is thinking about bitcoin in the right way. Also notice that, according to Samson Mow, the Central African Republicโ€™s President โ€œholds two PhDs in Mathematics,โ€ so this is high praise for bitcoin on his part.ย 

President Faustin-Archange Touadรฉra also tweeted the following video, with the comment, โ€œThe fact that all of you have turned your attention toward us, encouraging & motivating us, but at the same time obliges us to continue our mission.โ€

Notice that the Presidentโ€™s Twitter account only has around 3K followers. How many will he have in the following months, considering what he did for his people?

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BTC price chart for 04/28/2022 on Gemini | Source: BTC/USD on

Is There More To The Central African Republicโ€™s Story?

So far, mainstream media has treated the story in their usual condescending way. As with most of their bitcoin articles, they try to frame the El Salvador case as a failure and as a huge risk, and they push all of their usual FUD topics to try to make people fear bitcoin. Besides that, their investigative teams havenโ€™t uncovered much, but at least they provide some juicy quotes from real citizens of the Central African Republic.

The only one that uncovered new insights about the actual law is Euronews, they say:

โ€œThe new legislation covers the use of cryptocurrencies and those who use them, in online trade, โ€œsmart contractsโ€ฆ by blockchain technologyโ€ and โ€œall electronic transactionsโ€. It also said cryptocurrency exchanges are not liable to tax.โ€

They also quote Martin Ziguele, โ€œa former CAR prime minister who is now an opposition MP,โ€ who, besides complaining that โ€œthe bill was approved โ€œby proclamation,โ€ says:

โ€œThis law is a way of getting out of the CFA franc through a means that guts the common currency. It isnโ€™t a priority for the country. This move raises the question: who benefits from it?โ€

The people of the Central African Republic benefit and fixing the money is the highest priority for any country. Next question.ย 

Besides them, Yahoo! News doesnโ€™t provide much information but uncovers a curious fact. Bitcoin will be โ€œlegal tender alongside the CFA franc.โ€ So, Franceโ€™s monetary colonialism prevails. For their part, Reuters just provides a dry Obed Namsio quote, โ€œThe president supports this bill because it will improve the conditions of Central African citizens.โ€

The BBC, though, has an interesting take on the subject.

What Does The BBC Think Is Happening In The Central African Republic?

According to the British news agency, โ€œafter President Faustin-Archange Touadรฉra came to office in 2016, the country started shifting its strategic alliance from France towards Russia.โ€ Their article is incredibly propagandistic, but at least it has an angle. โ€œSome see the adoption of Bitcoin as an attempt to undermine the CFA, amid a contest for influence over the resource-rich country between Russia and France.โ€

Could Russia be involved in the decision? To make the case, the BBC quotes French analyst Thierry Vircoulon, โ€œThe context, given the systemic corruption and a Russian partner facing international sanctions, does encourage suspicion.โ€ To provide a counterpoint, the quote Economist Yann Daworo, โ€œBusinessmen will no longer have to walk around with suitcases of CFA francs that will have to be converted into dollars or any other currency to make purchases abroad.โ€

Related Reading | India Will Never Accept Cryptocurrency As Legal Tender, Says Finance Secretary

The most interesting BBC quote, nevertheless, comes from โ€œcomputer scientist Sydney Tickaya said he thought the adoption of the cryptocurrency was โ€œprematureโ€ and โ€œirresponsible.โ€ He seems to agree with Martin Ziguele in the idea that bitcoin adoption isnโ€™t a priority for the Central African Republic:ย 

โ€œInternet access is still underdeveloped in the country while Bitcoin depends entirely on the internet,โ€ he said, adding that the CAR had more pressing issues such as security, education and access to drinking water.โ€

That leads us to Resistance.moneyโ€™s Craig Warmke theory, who thinks, โ€œSmart for a country to make bitcoin legal tender when only 11% of its population has access to the internet. Looks to me, in part, like a low-cost bet that bitcoiners globally will help increase internet access, which would be a huge boon to the economy.โ€

Is Warmke overthinking it or is he on to something? Weโ€™ll probably find out in the following months. The Central African Republicโ€™s bitcoin story is just beginning.

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Author: Eduardo Prรณspero ::: Source link

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