The Roads To Hyperbitcoinization – Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides

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The widespread adoption of bitcoin is a topic that has raised immense expectations for change to monetary systems, governments, and society in general. Over the years, bitcoiners have fiercely defended their belief that bitcoin represents a superior form of money and expressed a large number of hypotheses about possible pathways to the broader adoption of bitcoin. Over the years, Bitcoiners have fiercely defended their belief that bitcoin represents a superior form of money and expressed a large number of hypotheses about possible pathways to the broader adoption of bitcoin. In this article, we investigate the concept of hyperbitcoinization which represents one of the most promising potential developments of our time. By hyperbitcoinization, we mean the process of rapid and irreversible adoption of bitcoin as the primary global monetary reserve.

Author: Alexandre Bussutil ::: Source link

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