Virtual World MegaCryptoPolis Releases Its Native MEGA Token

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Blockchain-powered strategy game MegaCryptoPolis has released its native token called MEGA. Issued both on Ethereum and Tron, the token will underpin the game’s growing economy. 

MEGA Available Through Vault and Liquidity Pools

Native tokens are a standard feature of most blockchain-powered games that reach a certain stage of development. Now, the increasingly popular MegaCryptoPolis has made a claim to maturity by issuing its own token MEGA. The initial fixed supply of two million tokens was brought into existence on October 28.

As the game is played on both the Ethereum and Tron platforms, the token has been issued in equal amounts on each of the chains. The bulk of the supply (90%) was allocated to the game’s Vault, while the remaining 10% will be up for grabs for liquidity miners in automated market maker (AMM) pools. The supported AMMs include Ethereum’s Uniswap and Balancer and Tron’s JustSwap. In this approach to token distribution, MegaCryptoPolis has followed in the footsteps of several other crypto game projects that have recently chosen to leverage the popularity of defi for boosting adoption.

The main mechanism through which players will be able to get hold of MEGA is depositing valuable in-game resources such as water, energy and wood in the game’s Vault. The locking of resources will entitle them to payouts in proportion to the value of the objects deposited.

A Sophisticated Virtual Economy for MEGA Circulation

MegaCryptoPolis presents itself as a city builder strategy game. It has been in development since May 2017, and its two versions currently occupy the 34th and 36th positions in DappRadar’s decentralized game rankings, and the rich virtual world that it contains suggests that it can rise even higher.

Players in MegaCryptoPolis can engage in a range of economic activities within the game’s space divided into 66 districts and 70,000 land plots. They can produce resources for sale, construct and rent out buildings and land plots and even govern districts and the players who reside in them.

The MEGA token is thus set to enter a highly sophisticated virtual economy in which it may be used for buying and renting valuable objects and paying taxes. Users can also divert it to AMM liquidity pools to farm more of it.

MegaCryptoPolis’s NFTs can be bought and sold either on the game’s own digital marketplace or on external NFT exchanges. According to data from NonFungible, the game has already been posting healthy NFT exchange volumes, with around $45,000 worth of NFTs having changed hands in the last seven days. There have been 765 transactions.

With the relative decline of defi from the heights of the summer boom, NFTs could be primed for becoming the next big thing in the crypto space. While other categories of NFTs like digital artworks are also rapidly gaining traction, those representing in-game assets remain the most traded NFT type for now. MegaCryptoPolis is well-positioned to benefit from this uptrend as its marketplace is already in the top ten NFT trading platforms by volume.

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Author: Dalmas Ngetich ::: Source link

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