Web3 platform for business blockchain integration – crypto.news

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TheLedger is a web 3.0 platform designed to help businesses and companies reach their full potential through blockchain technology. This platform defines itself as a blockchain for your business service provider.

What is TheLedger?

TheLedger ledger is one of the current Web 3 organizations helping businesses integrate blockchain technology with their systems. It boasts the capability of delivering enterprise-ready blockchain-based solutions specifically suited for your business.

The service provider began as a blockchain consultancy startup based in Belgium and Netherlands sometime in 2016. It launched as part of Cronos Groep, an ecosystem for technically innovative businesses.

While blockchain consultancy is their primary role, TheLedger offers training and advice and even participates in prototyping and building projects. The network offers all these blockchain-focused services to help you build secure blockchain software for your business.

Since its inception, TheLedger has constantly been evolving to advance with the ever-changing blockchain space. As such, TheLedger can offer consultancy and even development services relating to technologies like Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, BigchainDB, Stellar, IOTA, and Hyperledger Sawtooth, with many more coming.

How does TheLedger work?

As already established, TheLedger is a network focused on offering blockchain consultancy services. As such, they have a group of experts in this technology whom they use to deliver their services. However, to function seamlessly, TheLedger brings its services in different ways, which include;

  • The starter kit
  • Consultancy
  • TheLedger academy
  • Smart contract auditing
  • Token integration and ICO

The starter kit

As the name suggests, the starter kit is designed to teach basics about blockchain technology and its applications. Many people have yet to learn how disruptive blockchain can be in their businesses. A large number of blockchain investors only view the crypto space as an investment opportunity, not a problem-solving technology.

TheLedger’s starter kit brings beginner-level guidance in blockchain tech and its role in business. Companies/businesses that benefit from the starter kit get a comprehensive understanding of blockchain. This introductory-level blockchain education pack comes in the following forms;

  • 2-Hour C-Level Awareness — At this level, TheLedger experts communicate with your business management and explain blockchain basics. This 2-hour session leaves the management team with a proper understanding of ways blockchain can disrupt businesses and even the whole sector.
  • Half-day training — The training session focuses on people participating in the company’s day-to-day operations. After this session, the participants understand ways to scout for existing blockchain opportunities.
  • Idea session — The idea session involves a moderated open discussion on blockchain and its use cases in an industry, sector, or business. The moderator, a TheLedger consultant, helps control the discussion on the use cases. Basically, after this session, the participants will have a list of opinions or ideas of what to use blockchain tech for.
  • Use cases — This session involves assembling the ideas discussed in the preceding session and making decisions. After this session, your company will know the right course of action by identifying the opportunities to look into.


The reason for TheLedger’s founding was blockchain consultancy. TheLedger offers a platform where companies can meet professionals and get expert advice on blockchain integration for businesses.

TheLedger has a large number of consultants with vast blockchain knowledge. Most TheLedger experts practiced their skills while developing different projects. As such, they can provide proper advice and assistance relating to your needs.

This network supports the C-level in blockchain-focused tactical and strategic decisions. While offering services, TheLedger’s experts can also help the management conduct functional and technical analysis. TheLedger’s consultancy activities take the following different forms;

Exploration study and workshop guidance

The experts can participate in in-house blockchain research, scouring for opportunities and threats. Moreover, these consultants can take a passive advisory role, offering workshop guidance on blockchain tech.

Feasibility study

A feasibility study assesses the practicality of a method or plan proposed by another party. This is not a full application but a test of whether the plan will be effective.

TheLedger consultants conduct a feasibility study to check the functional, technical and financial feasibility of an idea involving blockchain integration to your business. During this study, the TheLedger team will explain how they can integrate some tailor-made app designs.

Even persons with low knowledge about crypto markets will participate in the feasibility study. The business team works with TheLedger experts to test the functional aspects and design while involving the customers. After completing the feasibility study, TheLedger will give you the financial estimates.

Proof of concept

After all the research and preparatory steps, you need to get the proof of concept. At this point, TheLedger creates a prototype of whatever you desire. Remember, you are building blockchain-based solutions for your business. As such, you need expert specialists in blockchain development. TheLedger’s experts in the blockchain industry have the knowledge required to release PoC. They will help give you a prototype of what you desire.

Blockchain architecture

This deals with building a blockchain-based application. TheLedger experts can help you create secure blockchain products. They guide on Docker, AWS, and Architecture Azure while working with Flowfactor to set up blockchain infrastructure.

TheLedger academy

TheLedger also has an academy for its clients. As the name suggests, it’s a platform designed to offer training to developers and company management. The academy offers the following forms of training;

  • Hyperledger Fabric Training — TheLedger gives developers and tech-savvy business managers training on the basics of Hyperledger Fabric, a Linux Hosted open source blockchain framework. This one full-day course requires miniature coding experience but leaves you capable of developing and interacting with smart contracts and running your own Hyperledger Fabric network.
  • Ethereum training —  TheLedger also offers a 1-full-day course to developers about blockchain and precisely how to use Ethereum development tools to develop smart contracts in solidity. This course also requires minimal coding knowledge but leaves you an expert in smart contract development.
  • Management training — Finally, the academy offers a 2-hour training session mainly focused on business professionals, i.e., the management team. The aim is to help you understand the role of blockchain and how it can redefine your industry. This session will highlight use cases, threats, and opportunities.

Smart contract auditing

While TheLedger originally majored in consultancy and training, the network also helps audit contracts. Smart contract auditing is vital in the crypto ecosystem due to increasing security threats caused by code errors.

TheLedger plays its role in securing the blockchain world by auditing smart contracts. The TheLedger family has many experts capable of identifying problems in codes and even helping optimize your contracts.

So, when explaining how they do their auditing, TheLedger noted that they try to break your code to find flaws. Of course, by thinking and working like the hacker, TheLedger can help locate and deal with loopholes around your contract. TheLedger’s auditing services come in the following ways;

  • Threat Modeling — TheLedger conducts a complete threat analysis of your smart contract. The experts put the details on every critical step and the preventive measures.
  • Safety functions — This test involves looking at the preparedness of your smart contract code to ensure you contain any problem that could arise in case of an emergency.
  • Static analysis — TheLedger conducts a static analysis on your smart contract by simply compiling it into bytecode and passing it through some vulnerability tools.
  • Hacking your tools — TheLedger family also implores a popular ethical hacking system. They create malicious codes on a mission to exploit your smart contracts and find any flaws.
  • JavaScript test suite — TheLedger community uses integration tests to spot flows in your business rules.
  • Gas optimization — The smart contract auditing services by TheLedger also involve optimizing the gas charges associated with your app.

Token/ICO integration

Another service TheLedger boasts the capacity to deliver is token and ICO integration. TheLedger can build custom tokens for your project by leveraging the Solidity language. The platform’s experts can provide general technical know-how of using the Solidity language. Moreover, they can participate in token development. TheLedger’s token-related services take the following forms;

  • Tokens — TheLedge claims the capacity to create tokens leveraging ERC 20 standard. They can help customize these ERC-20 upgrades to offer dividend and buyback systems.
  • Integration refers to the integration of blockchain into your newly made application.
  • Audit — TheLedger can help in audit-related tasks, as already highlighted above.

What Projects has TheLedger developed?

Due to their interest in blockchain, TheLedger developed technologies that solve many problems in the general world today. TheLedgers offers industry-defining solutions. Let’s look at a few solutions given by TheLedger;

  • Diavest — Diavest is a tool offering Diamond traders ease of creating invoices and getting financing. Traders can digitize their invoices and integrate different parties in a distributed, transparent manner. Due to the transparency, there will be no room for fraud.
  • A Self-Conscious House — TheLedger’s A Self-Conscious House tracks the lifecycle of a house, related bills, improvements and any housing subsidies governments may issue.
  • Company Shares Register — TheLedger brings a solution that traces company shares via blockchain and can be retrieved at any time. The solutions
  • KYC Identity — Know your customer (KYC) is a service in massive demand in the crypto and financial landscape. TheLedger collaborated with Bhive to create TrustHive, a platform to manage identity data. This platform allows customers to decide how, when, and with who to share their data. Everything is done under GDPR’s requirements.
  • Lifelong Learning — This is a product of collaboration between TheLedger and Antwerp city, allowing them to test some blockchain use cases in practice. For instance, this tool will enable institutions to place diplomas and certificates on blockchain to maintain authenticity.
  • TicketSale — Finally, TheLedger has a product called TicketSale designed to show a ticket’s authenticity through the blockchain.

Why is TheLedger important?

This guide has looked into the entire all-around function of TheLedger network. So, what are the benefits of TheLedger to the crypto community and institutions? Here are a few benefits;

Education for blockchain adoption

One of the reasons why the crypto space has suffered from slower adoption is the lack of proper education. Many people need to learn that they can tap into blockchain to solve their business needs. TheLedger offers the education that many people need about the blockchain space. As such, this education will quickly help foster more crypto adoption.

Encourages more institutional crypto adoption

This network, as already established, intends to help companies and businesses adopt crypto. Taking services directly to businesses and showing them why they need blockchain can help advance crypto’s institutional adoption. Once more institutions know about TheLedger, you could start noticing more crypto adoption by companies.

Solving the complexity problem of contract development

Another reason blockchain’s adoption by institutions has seemingly remained stagnant is the complexity around the development of smart contracts. Creating smart contracts requires lots of research and even coding. However, TheLedger provides classes on Hyper Fabric Ledger and Ethereum-based development. Even more, TheLedger helps in actual development.

Experts in different technologies

TheLedger’s other benefit is a large number of experts in different technologies. Remember, this network helps clients learn about Hyper Fabric Ledger, Ethereum, Stellar, BigchainDB, IOTA, etc.

Easy service access

This platform makes everything streamlined for its users. For instance, you can contact them with just a simple click to get services.

Vast number of partnerships

TheLedger has been making many partnerships to bolster efficiency in service delivery. These partners help TheLedger with different tasks, including developing smart contracts. Among the primary connections and collaborations for TheLedger include the following;

  • Flow factor
  • BigchainDB
  • IBM
  • Cronos Public Service
  • Knight Moves

Moreover, TheLedger leaves the door open to anyone intending to partner and participate in offering services.

TheLedger’s downside

Together with the benefits, TheLedger also has a few downsides. The main downside is that this platform mainly focuses on clients in the Netherlands and Belgium. Even their offices are located only in Belgium and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the website is only available in 2 languages, Dutch and English.

The limit of service delivery to the two countries denies the more significant part of the globe access to the services.

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Author: Samuel Mbaki Wanjiku ::: Source link

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