Winning Hearts And Minds For Bitcoin – Bitcoin Magazine

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In this week’s episode of the “Bitcoin Magazine Podcast,” Christian Keroles sat down with Andy Edstrom and Peter McCormack to discuss their recent contribution to Bitcoin Magazine “Winning Hearts And Minds For Bitcoin.”

Both McCormack and Edstrom believe that Bitcoin is inevitable and that it has already won, but it can be easier or harder to accept this fact depending on how Bitcoin evangelists educate. They believe that through rhetoric and appeals to moral foundation theory, Bitcoin evangelists can better explain to skeptics and newcomers the numerous positive implications of adopting Bitcoin.

Moral foundations theory is a theory on how humans make decisions and establish attitudes about things. The theory has a heavy influence on the book “Righteous Mind,” which is the inspiration for the article.

The foundations from moral foundations theory are:

See Also

  1. Care/harm
  2. Fairness/cheating
  3. Loyalty/betrayal
  4. Authority/subversion
  5. Sanctity/degradation
  6. Liberty/oppression. 

In the article, the authors apply this mental model toward mining and energy usage.

“Bitcoiners need to educate people on this topic and avoid beginning passively on the back foot.  Whenever talking to someone who is concerned with Bitcoin’s environmental effects, it may make sense to lead with this question: ‘Could you please explain to me how we’re going to defeat global warming without Bitcoin?;  (I.e., defend your doomed sticks arguments, and I’ll respond with my Bitcoin carrot.)”

Bitcoin Magazine is the oldest and most established source of news, information and expert commentary on Bitcoin, its underlying blockchain technology and the industry that has grown up around it. Since 2012, Bitcoin Magazine has provided analysis, research, education and thought leadership at the intersection of finance and technology.

Author: Bitcoin Magazine ::: Source link

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